My busy life!!!

My busy life!!!

Postby Mary Kobe » April 24th, 2012, 8:16 am

I have to tell you that if one more thing gets planned for me in the next 4 weeks, I will be pulling my hair out! LOL

Here is my agenda!

New baby should be here today!!! Step-son and his wife are in the hospital now. She is being induced as I type!
Shopping with my sister on Saturday.
Luncheon event at work on Tuesday. I will post pics of what I have done for the event. But not today! LOL
May 4 is a crop
May 5 is my grandson's bd party
May 12 my daughter graduates from college! Cheers to her!! She has maintained a 3.87 gpa while student teaching and taking care of her family. I have to brag a little!
May 13 memorial service for my mother-in-law. (It is SUPPOSED to be a memorial, but brother-in-law is turning it into a mini-conference/family reunion...Just getting on my nerves a tad!...If you only knew!! We are having a lunch, and there are so many foods that "his family cannot eat"...really getting on my last fricking nerve. His wife doesn't like cake, but he likes pies, she prefers ice cream. He can only eat vegetables that aren't sprayed...she can't eat tomatoes or strawberries...neither eat food with "preservatives", their daughter is on a gluten-free diet by choice, but the family refers to it as "allergies"). Ok. My headache is coming back from thinking of this darn meal! I think I will just have a few drinky drinks that day and call it good!! The heck with the food!
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Angel135612 » April 24th, 2012, 9:05 am

Wow Mary, you are busy for the next few weeks...

As for the food at the Memorial service, I really find that it is RUDE of people to expect others to change their foods to accommodate them. Sure, you can have some foods that they will be able to eat, but that doesn't mean everything has to be something that they can eat. If they don't or won't eat cake, then they don't have to eat it, but that doesn't mean that you can't have cake at the luncheon just because THEY don't want it. And if you don't have any pie or ice cream, then they can either bring that for themselves to share, or not have any at all. If they don't like it, then they can eat before or after the service. This service isn't for THEM... it is for friends and family to gather to remember your MIL.

I have a sister that doesn't eat meat. We are planning a trip together to Las Vegas in Nov, and will be staying at a place with a kitchen. I have told her that we (BF and I) usually buy food for breakfast, and then eat out for the other meals. We usually have bacon with breakfast, but she won't eat that, and actually expected me to buy turkey bacon (which I have tried and DO NOT LIKE) just so she can have some. I told her that we don't eat that, and if she wanted some, she could buy her own, but I'm not going to change what I eat just for ONE person. If I went to her house for dinner, I would NEVER expect her to change what she makes to accommodate me, even though she seems to think I should change what I serve to accommodate her.
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby kim » April 24th, 2012, 9:53 am

Mary, you are one busy lady!! And congrats on the new (almost) grandbaby...hope everything goes well and smooth. And congrats on your daughter...what an accomplishment. I know how tough it is to work and go to school, but to raise a family on top of that!!! Whew!!!

As for the food at the memorial, I wouldn't worry so much about it. Have people bring what they want....if your BIL has a problem, let his wife fix what they can eat. The menu is not supposed to revolve around them. I can see where someone might accomodate SOME, but certainly not in the way your BIL wants...even getting down to the "what I like/don't like". DS had a girl that was diabetic in his elementary class and every Easter, I would make the kids a goody bag filled with candy> I always made sure her bag was sugar free candy and that she had a diet drink available and that the tables of food had stuff that she could eat, but I didn't change everything in the party to just what she could have. I just called her mother and made sure that we had something that she loved on the table. Of course, I really liked this girl....she was a sweetie. Unlike your BIL. :D So relax about the food....and tell your BIL to bring something that his family can eat.
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Gigi » April 24th, 2012, 11:12 am

Ditto on what Kim said. This isn't about HIM - surprise!! They can figure out things they can eat - or not. They can always eat later. That's what most people do if there is food they don't like. You just do what works for you!

And eager to hear news later today about the new grandbaby - how wonderful!
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby rachellann » April 24th, 2012, 11:30 am

Busy busy Mary
The others are right the memorial is not about them they if they have a restricted diet let them bring their own. Lord knows I have been to many family get togethers and have never asked them to fix special foods for Travis. I always take things he can east and just add to it what is there that he can eat. they are being selfish
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby LisaH » April 24th, 2012, 11:35 am

yay...for the coming newborn! will be waiting for news... :bighug:

honey, as for the obnoxious BIL, tell him to go fly a kite and do what you and your family needs! Let him take care of his own... ;)
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Mary Kobe » April 24th, 2012, 11:51 am

Oh, I love you guys! Did I ever tell you that BIL and family live in Toronto, Canada (not to be confused with Toronto, KS!)....Hmm...I wonder if his wife would mind cooking and loading it on the plane! I can just see it now. Oh, and because I have such wonderful in-laws...they will be staying with her family an hour away! They will spend ONE night in our area to help with the "conference" on Sunday! Thank goodness we have a cat, or they would want to stay with us!!

I am thinking for food we will have strawberries, tomatoes, lots of grains, veggies that have not been sprayed, meat with MANY preservatives, and CAKE!!! Then they can take their flight home with stomach pain and hives!!!! I did not even remind them that my dh and I are both diabetic and we really do try to watch what we eat because SHE is diabetic, too! My husband has high blood pressure, so does she. Anything we have going on health wise, she has! I bet if I told her I was having a lobotomy, she would have one scheduled, too! Hmmmm..let me think on that....should I tell her and just pretend? :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: I am serious! When dh and exwife were married, his ex had breast cancer...guess what? so did she claims...she actually admitted that she had the "gene" so she thought she should have a masectomy, just in case!!!!
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Mary Kobe » April 24th, 2012, 12:15 pm

Oh, I forgot about my daughter's graduation party on June 2nd! Minor details!
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Suzan » April 24th, 2012, 1:04 pm

I would just have a buffet, of all sorts of stuff, quick and easy to fix or buy. And if they don't like it they can go well I can't say it here (*&(*&*(&E*T^W*QW#
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Retta » April 24th, 2012, 1:43 pm

Oh Mary - Think about the new baby!!!!! BIL and wife just need to show up that one day and there are grocery stores around for them to bring in food. We have those gazillions of Amish relatives that travel from all over for our "Conferences." They bring food and they buy food and they cook a tthe houses they are staying at. I'm sure if they want it to be right, they should do it themselves! LOL

Tell her, please tell her about the Lobotomy! I want to hear about that.

I have a graduation to work on too. How incredibly "sad" that is a thought I haven't been thinking about. I have to get this done, my son deserves a great graduation, he has made me veery proud too. Congratulations to your daughter, what a wonderful accomplishment!!!

Hugs, honey, and make sure they both eat hot dogs and twinkies - they have lots to preserve them in them!!! LOL
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby kim » April 24th, 2012, 3:29 pm

Keep us posted on the "Grandbaby news"!!!
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Mary Kobe » April 24th, 2012, 6:30 pm

Introducing....Evalyn. She was born at 3:33 today, weighing 7lbs 9 oz and she was 20 inches long. I was not going to go to the hospital because my husband was working and could not go. I felt it was more for the "biological family". I talked to step-son's mom and she said I had to get my butt over there and I was family. I could not stand it and had to leave work early!!!! I HAD to see her in real life!!!!

She was 45 minutes old when this picture was taken. I was the first to feed her! YAYYY! But, one of the nurses yelled at me and told me I gave her too much! She was only supposed to have 20 cc's and she had 25! One of the other grandma's said, "well, she just started eating." The nurse was rude! I wanted to say, "Look, I have 5 grown children, 4 grandkids, and I do think I know what I am doing." But I kept my mouth shut! The nurse said she could throw up by eating too much! Guess what, she did throw up but another grandma said it was because the same nurse turned her upside down when she got her bath!!!!

Please do not look at all of my chins! Just look at the baby! :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO:

Evalyn and MoMo.jpg
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby iggylover » April 24th, 2012, 6:33 pm

She is adorable Mary!


I agree with Retta, tell her about the planned lobotomy...let's see how far she takes it. ;) :ROFLMBO:

Focus on the sweet new baby, the happy graduation, and the celebration, NOT on BIL and the outrageous demands (they can go pound sand).
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Suzan » April 24th, 2012, 6:36 pm

Well even though I already saw this, I just want you to know how happy I am for all of you. This makes it a special day. You can tell her in years to come that she celebrates the birthday with the man that invented the zipper 132 years ago.
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Mary Kobe » April 24th, 2012, 6:47 pm

I will share that with her parents! I am sure they will think that is hilarious!!

Get this...when I left, Lisa (DIL) asked if they could come over for dinner on Sunday! They have been coming over for about a month every Sunday. I said, "Of course, if you are up to it". She said, "Oh, I am sure I will be. And Eva needs to meet Zoe". (Zoe is our cat!) Yeah, right. We'll see!
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Retta » April 24th, 2012, 6:58 pm

Oh she is beautiful. I would have wanted you there too. Eve - what a lovely little girl she is!!! Congratulations!!!!
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Thyme » April 24th, 2012, 7:32 pm

She is lovely
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby whizzy » April 24th, 2012, 8:05 pm

Mary, congratulations all round! That calls for a drink . . . I've a nice champers here so I'll have one for you :)
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Mary Kobe » April 24th, 2012, 8:12 pm

whizzy wrote:Mary, congratulations all round! That calls for a drink . . . I've a nice champers here so I'll have one for you :)

Thanks, Wizzy! Enjoy! I have to work tomorrow, or I would join you! I am sticking with Diet Coke!
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Re: My busy life!!!

Postby Gigi » April 24th, 2012, 10:35 pm

Congratulations Mary - she is just precious. What a beautiful little girl. Enjoy!
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