Hello, my wife and I are brand new Cougar owners (we got ours less than a week ago) and we've been having fun learning to use it. We had been using the Click Blade Holder for all our initial trials and other than almost cutting through our mat a few times (whoops! but definitely not the holders fault
) the Click Blade Holder works great. Our problems arose when we switched to the Detail Blade Holder. We don't know if we're suffering from two different issues or if it is the same issue but causing two different results.
Here are the issues:
1- Any time the cutter initializes a cut, it seems to stutter. The cutter head moves almost into position, seems to almost bounce the head down and then back up, making a small cut, then moves the head again and proceeds to finish that cut. I don't know if this is expected behavior but this happens regardless of the "holder" that we have installed at the time. The main problem isn't the stutter but rather the cut that is made while it "stutters": with the Click Blade Holder, this initial cut is on pattern whereas with the Detail Blade Holder, this initial cut is noticeably off pattern. This off pattern cut happens both for designs we're cutting with SignCut as well as just the "Test" button cut. Also, the rectangle on the "Test" cut with the detail blade is not squared (the lines are slightly bowed and the corners are rounded but not uniformly making for a very misshapen rectangle).
2- The detailed pattern we attempted to cut is, for lack of a better term, warping. Once again this is only happening with the Detail Blade Holder. The Click Blade Holder does not seem to be exhibiting any warping effect. This shows up with the misshapen rectangles on the "Test" cut as well as very noticeable warping on the pattern.
Here is what we've tried to eliminate the problem (in no particular order):
A) Checked both forums
If there are any other posts on this issue, we've been unable to find them (and apologize if this issue has already been addressed elsewhere on the forums).
B) Changed paperstock. The issue appears exactly the same in both cases (one is a thin and cheap cardstock, the other is high end watercolor stock). This issue did not appear with the Click Blade Holder on either stock.
C) Restarted the Cougar.
D) Adjusted the depth of the blade (to the point where there was less than 1mm coming through the paper).
E) Adjusted the depth(?) of the holder via the cd method recommend on the forums
F) Tried different force settings from 60+ all the way down to below 30 (at which point it no longer has the force to cut through the paper)
G) Tried different speed settings from a high of 100 to a low of 15
Some additional information:
A) These are brand new 60 degree blades (one for the detail and one for the click) so we don't suspect sharpness to be an issue
B) All the blades and parts are direct from Black Cat USA so we don't suspect blade quality to be an issue either
We're assuming the issue is something we're doing or not doing as we're still so new to this machine, so any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks so much and we apologize for the novel.