Organization Programs for Files

Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Tyler » July 7th, 2011, 7:05 pm

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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Retta » July 7th, 2011, 7:08 pm

Thanks Tyler - I will give it a try!
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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Trisha » July 7th, 2011, 7:40 pm

I might try that download as well, Tyler. I think I will wait to see if Gigi can find that font list. I sure don't want to goober up anything just when I am beginning to catch on! :)

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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Tyler » July 7th, 2011, 7:43 pm

The only thing I like less about it than AMP is there is only one column to view the fonts, but it sure looks a lot nicer and there are a few more features that I like (such as being able to compare fonts).
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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Trisha » July 7th, 2011, 8:52 pm

Sounds like it is worth a try. I downloaded it already, so I'll look it over probably tomorrow. Thanks, Tyler!

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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Suzan » July 7th, 2011, 10:45 pm

Thank you Tyler, I can't wait to play with this
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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Gigi » July 7th, 2011, 11:21 pm

OMG - I am laughing so hard I have tears streaming down my face.

I read Trisha's post and thought "darn (well that's not exactly what I said!) - I forgot to look for my list) - so I clicked on my external hard drive and found three different folders of fonts - one says Font Collection - one says Font Collection - Cards, and one says New Font Collection. (not sure why I called it new - I think because the Font Collection is categorized and the new ones are not!) So was opening and looking and my eyes got bigger and bigger!! Where did all of these fonts come from??!!?? :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO:

I have Sizzix equivalents and Quickutz equivalents (from years ago I think) and at least a dozen font collections zipped from font groups that were sent to me by friends - you name it, I think I have it!! OMG - I just got to laughing at ALL of it and couldn't stop till my eyes were so full of tears I couldn't see!!! They must be multiplying on my hard drive - there is no way I could have saved that many fonts - is there??!!??) OMG - it's sheer insanity!!


Ok - enough of this. This is an old list that I had in my documents (I think it goes back to the Windows XP days):


Arial (TrueType)
Arial Bold (TrueType)
Arial Bold Italic (TrueType)
Arial Italic (TrueType)
Courier 10,12,15 (VGA res)
Courier New (TrueType)
Courier New Bold (TrueType)
Courier New Bold Italic (TrueType)
Courier New Italic (TrueType)
Marlett (Windows 95/98) *
Modern (Plotter)
MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)
MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)
Roman (Plotter)
Script (Plotter)
Small fonts (VGA res)
Symbol (TrueType)
Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)
Times New Roman (TrueType) -
Times New Roman Bold (TrueType)
Times New Roman Bold Italic (TrueType)
Times New Roman Italic (TrueType)
Wingdings (TrueType)
Any font with a red A for its icon.
Any font that begins with the letters MS.
*Marlett is a hidden system file and it will not show up in a search, however, it may show up in your program font lists.

Here is what is listed for Windows 7
: (googled this one)
Marlette ā€“ This is the font used for the minimize, maximize and close buttons on your window borders.
Arial (TrueType)
Times New Roman (TrueType)
Courier New (TrueType)
Any .FON files. These are fixed size fonts used for MS-DOS windows and some dialog boxes.

Fonts installed with Microsoft Office 2007
(you don't NEED all of these , but just so you know where they came from!

AGENCYB.TTF Agency FB Bold (TrueType)
AGENCYR.TTF Agency FB (TrueType)
ALGER.TTF Algerian (TrueType)
ANTQUAB.TTF Book Antiqua Bold (TrueType)
ANTQUABI.TTF Book Antiqua Bold Italic (TrueType)
ANTQUAI.TTF Book Antiqua Italic (TrueType)
ARIALN.TTF Arial Narrow (TrueType)
ARIALNB.TTF Arial Narrow Bold (TrueType)
ARIALNBI.TTF Arial Narrow Bold Italic (TrueType)
ARIALNI.TTF Arial Narrow Italic (TrueType)
ARIALUNI.TTF Arial Unicode MS (TrueType)
ARLRDBD.TTF Arial Rounded MT Bold (TrueType)
BASKVILL.TTF Baskerville Old Face (TrueType)
BAUHS93.TTF Bauhaus 93 (TrueType)
BELL.TTF Bell MT (TrueType)
BELLB.TTF Bell MT Bold (TrueType)
BELLI.TTF Bell MT Italic (TrueType)
BERNHC.TTF Bernard MT Condensed (TrueType)
BKANT.TTF Book Antiqua (TrueType)
BOD_B.TTF Bodoni MT Bold (TrueType)
BOD_BI.TTF Bodoni MT Bold Italic (TrueType)
BOD_BLAI.TTF Bodoni MT Black Italic (TrueType)
BOD_BLAR.TTF Bodoni MT Black (TrueType)
BOD_CB.TTF Bodoni MT Condensed Bold (TrueType)
BOD_CBI.TTF Bodoni MT Condensed Bold Italic (TrueType)
BOD_CI.TTF Bodoni MT Condensed Italic (TrueType)
BOD_CR.TTF Bodoni MT Condensed (TrueType)
BOD_I.TTF Bodoni MT Italic (TrueType)
BOD_PSTC.TTF Bodoni MT Poster Compressed (TrueType)
BOD_R.TTF Bodoni MT (TrueType)
BOOKOS.TTF Bookman Old Style (TrueType)
BOOKOSB.TTF Bookman Old Style Bold (TrueType)
BOOKOSBI.TTF Bookman Old Style Bold Italic (TrueType)
BOOKOSI.TTF Bookman Old Style Italic (TrueType)
BRITANIC.TTF Britannic Bold (True Type)
BRLNSB.TTF Berlin Sans FB Bold (TrueType)
BRLNSDB.TTF Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold (TrueType)
BRLNSR.TTF Berlin Sans FB (TrueType)
BROADW.TTF Broadway (TrueType)
BRUSHSCI.TTF Brush Script MT Italic (TrueType)
BSSYM7.TTF Bookshelf Symbol 7 (TrueType)
CALIBRI.TTF Calibri (TrueType)
CALIBRIB.TTF Calibri Bold (TrueType)
CALIBRII.TTF Calibri Italic (TrueType)
CALIBRIZ.TTF Calibri Bold Italic (TrueType)
CALIFB.TTF Californian FB Bold (TrueType)
CALIFI.TTF Californian FB Italic (TrueType)
CALIFR.TTF Californian FB (TrueType)
CALIST.TTF Calisto MT (TrueType)
CALISTB.TTF Calisto MT Bold (TrueType)
CALISTBI.TTF Calisto MT Bold Italic (TrueType)
CALISTI.TTF Calisto MT Italic (TrueType)
CAMBRIA.TTC Cambria & Cambria Math (TrueType)
CAMBRIAB.TTF Cambria Bold (TrueType)
CAMBRIAI.TTF Cambria Italic (TrueType)
CAMBRIAZ.TTF Cambria Bold Italic (TrueType)
CANDARA.TTF Candara (TrueType)
CANDARAB.TTF Candara Bold (TrueType)
CANDARAI.TTF Candara Italic (TrueType)
CANDARAZ.TTF Candara Bold Italic (TrueType)
CASTELAR.TTF Castellar (TrueType)
CENSCBK.TTF Century Schoolbook (TrueType)
CENTAUR.TTF Centaur (TrueType)
CENTURY.TTF Century (TrueType)
CHILLER.TTF Chiller (TrueType)
COLONNA.TTF Colonna MT (TrueType)
CONSOLA.TTF Consolas (TrueType)
CONSOLAB.TTF Consolas Bold (TrueType)
CONSOLAI.TTF Consolas Italic (TrueType)
CONSOLAZ.TTF Consolas Bold Italic (TrueType)
CONSTAN.TTF Contantia (TrueType)
CONSTANB.TTF Contantia Bold (TrueType)
CONSTANI.TTF Contantia Italic (TrueType)
CONSTANZ.TTF Contantia Bold Italic (TrueType)
COOPBL.TTF Cooper Black (TrueType)
COPRGTB.TTF Copperplate Gothic Bold (TrueType)
COPRGTL.TTF Copperplate Gothic Light (TrueType)
CORBEL.TTF Corbel (TrueType)
CORBELB.TTF Corbel Bold (TrueType)
CORBELI.TTF Corbel Italic (TrueType)
CORBELZ.TTF Corbel Bold Italic (TrueType)
CURLZ___.TTF Curlz MT (TrueType)
ELEPHNT.TTF Elephant (TrueType)
ELEPHNTI.TTF Elephant Italic (TrueType)
ENGR.TTF Engravers (TrueType)
ERASBD.TTF Eras Bold ITC (TrueType)
ERASDEMI.TTF Eras Demi ITC (TrueType)
ERASLGHT.TTF Eras Light ITC (TrueType)
ERASMD.TTF Eras Medium ITC (TrueType)
FELIXTI.TTF Felix Titling (TrueType)
FORTE.TTF Forte (TrueType)
FRABK.TTF Franklin Gothic Book (TrueType)
FRABKIT.TTF Franklin Gothic Book Italic (TrueType)
FRADM.TTF Franklin Gothic Demi (TrueType)
FRADMCN.TTF Franklin Gothic Demi Cond (TrueType)
FRADMIT.TTF Franklin Gothic Demi Italic (TrueType)
FRAHV.TTF Franklin Gothic Heavy (TrueType)
FRAHVIT.TTF Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic (TrueType)
FRAMDCN.TTF Franklin Gothic Medium Cond (TrueType)
FREESCPT.TTF Freestyle Script (TrueType)
FRSCRIPT.TTF French Script MT (TrueType)
FTLTLT.TTF Footlight MT Light (TrueType)
GARA.TTF Garamond (TrueType)
GARABD.TTF Garamond Bold (TrueType)
GARAIT.TTF Garamond Italic (TrueType)
GIGI.TTF Gigi (TrueType)
GILBI___.TTF Gill Sans MT Bold Italic (TrueType)
GILB____.TTF Gill Sans MT Bold (TrueType)
GILC____.TTF Gill Sans MT Condensed (TrueType)
GILI____.TTF Gill Sans MT Italic (TrueType)
GILLUBCD.TTF Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed (TrueType)
GILSANUB.TTF Gill Sans Ultra Bold (TrueType)
GIL_____.TTF Gill Sans MT (TrueType)
GLECB.TTF Gloucester MT Extra Condensed (TrueType)
GLSNECB.TTF Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold (TrueType)
GOTHIC.TTF Century Gothic (TrueType)
GOTHICB.TTF Century Gothic Bold (TrueType)
GOTHICBI.TTF Century Gothic Bold Italic (TrueType)
GOTHICI.TTF Century Gothic Italic (TrueType)
GOUDOS.TTF Goudy Old Style (TrueType)
GOUDOSB.TTF Goudy Old Style Bold (TrueType)
GOUDOSI.TTF Goudy Old Style Italic (TrueType)
GOUDYSTO.TTF Goudy Stout (TrueType)
HARLOWSI.TTF Harlow Solid Italic (TrueType)
HARNGTON.TTF Harrington (TrueType)
HATTEN.TTF Haettenschweiler (TrueType)
HTOWERT.TTF High Tower Text (TrueType)
HTOWERTI.TTF High Tower Text Italic (TrueType)
IMPRISHA.TTF Imprint MT Shadow (TrueType)
INFROMAN.TTF Informal Roman (TrueType)
ITCBLKAD.TTF Blackadder ITC (TrueType)
ITCEDSCR.TTF Edwardian Script ITC (TrueType)
ITCKRIST.TTF Kristen ITC (TrueType)
JOKERMAN.TTF Jokerman (TrueType)
JUICE___.TTF Juice ITC (TrueType)
KUNSTLER.TTF Kunstler Script (TrueType)
LATINWD.TTF Wide Latin (TrueType)
LBRITE.TTF Lucida Bright (TrueType)
LBRITED.TTF Lucida Bright Demibold (TrueType)
LBRITEDI.TTF Lucida Bright Demibold Italic (TrueType)
LBRITEI.TTF Lucida Bright Italic (TrueType)
LCALLIG.TTF Lucida Calligraphy Italic (TrueType)
LFAX.TTF Lucida Fax Regular (TrueType)
LFAXD.TTF Lucida Fax Demibold (TrueType)
LFAXDI.TTF Lucida Fax Demibold Italic (TrueType)
LFAXI.TTF Lucida Fax Italic (TrueType)
LHANDW.TTF Lucida Handwriting Italic (TrueType)
LSANS.TTF Lucida Sans Regular (TrueType)
LSANSD.TTF Lucida Sans Demibold Roman (TrueType)
LSANSDI.TTF Lucida Sans Demibold Italic (TrueType)
LSANSI.TTF Lucida Sans Italic (TrueType)
LTYPE.TTF Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular (TrueType)
LTYPEB.TTF Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold (TrueType)
LTYPEBO.TTF Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique (TrueType)
LTYPEO.TTF Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique (TrueType)
MAGNETOB.TTF Magneto Bold (TrueType)
MAIAN.TTF Maiandra GD (TrueType)
MATURASC.TTF Matura MT Script Capitals (TrueType)
MISTRAL.TTF Mistral (TrueType)
MOD20.TTF Modern No. 20 (TrueType)
MSMINCHO.TTF MS Mincho (TrueType)
MTCORSVA.TTF Monotype Corsiva (TrueType)
MTEXTRA.TTF MT Extra (TrueType)
NIAGENG.TTF Niagara Engraved (TrueType)
NIAGSOL.TTF Niagara Solid (TrueType)
OCRAEXT.TTF OCR A Extended (TrueType)
OLDENGL.TTF Old English Text MT (TrueType)
ONYX.TTF Onyx (TrueType)
OUTLOOK.TTF MS Outlook (TrueType)
PALSCRI.TTF Palace Script MT (TrueType)
PAPYRUS.TTF Papyrus (TrueType)
PARCHM.TTF Parchment (TrueType)
PERBI___.TTF Perpetua Bold Italic (TrueType)
PERB____.TTF Perpetua Bold (TrueType)
PERI____.TTF Perpetua Italic (TrueType)
PERTIBD.TTF Perpetua Titling MT Bold (TrueType)
PERTILI.TTF Perpetua Titling MT Light (TrueType)
PER_____.TTF Perpetua (TrueType)
PLAYBILL.TTF Playbill (TrueType)
POORICH.TTF Poor Richard (TrueType)
PRISTINA.TTF Pristina (TrueType)
RAGE.TTF Rage Italic (TrueType)
RAVIE.TTF Ravie (TrueType)
REFSAN.TTF MS Reference Sans Serif (TrueType)
REFSPCL.TTF MS Reference Specialty (TrueType)
ROCCB___.TTF Rockwell Condensed (TrueType)
ROCC____.TTF Rockwell Condensed Bold (TrueType)
ROCK.TTF Rockwell (TrueType)
ROCKB.TTF Rockwell Bold (TrueType)
ROCKBI.TTF Rockwell Bold Italic (TrueType)
ROCKEB.TTF Rockwell Extra Bold (TrueType)
ROCKI.TTF Rockwell Italic (TrueType)
SCHLBKB.TTF Century Schoolbook Bold (TrueType)
SCHLBKBI.TTF Century Schoolbook Bold Italic (TrueType)
SCHLBKI.TTF Century Schoolbook Italic (TrueType)
SCRIPTBL.TTF Script MT Bold (TrueType)
SEGOEUI.TTF Segoe UI (TrueType)
SEGOEUIB.TTF Segoe UI Bold (TrueType)
SEGOEUII.TTF Segoe UI Italic (TrueType)
SEGOEUIZ.TTF Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType)
SHOWG.TTF Showcard Gothic (TrueType)
SNAP____.TTF Snap ITC (TrueType)
STENCIL.TTF Stencil (TrueType)
TCBI____.TTF Tw Cen MT Bold Italic (TrueType)
TCB_____.TTF Tw Cen MT Bold (TrueType)
TCCB____.TTF Tw Cen MT Condensed Bold (TrueType)
TCCEB.TTF Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold (TrueType)
TCCM____.TTF Tw Cen MT Condensed (TrueType)
TCMI____.TTF Tw Cen MT Italic (TrueType)
TCM_____.TTF Tw Cen MT (TrueType)
TEMPSITC.TTF Tempus Sans ITC (TrueType)
VINERITC.TTF Viner Hand ITC (TrueType)
VIVALDII.TTF Vivaldi Italic (TrueType)
VLADIMIR.TTF Vladimir Script (TrueType)
WINGDNG2.TTF Wingdings 2 (TrueType)
WINGDNG3.TTF Wingdings 3 (TrueType)

I also have a list for Corel Draw, Quicken, Creatacard and a few other programs if you want those!

Hope this is helpful. I probably should have put this in a doc and uploaded it -if you would rather I do that, just lmk.
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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Angel135612 » July 9th, 2011, 8:37 pm

Thanks for that list Gigi, I would love to have it as a doc, including the other programs you have a list for... I really do need to go through my fonts and get them organized as well.... I know I have a ton of duplicates, since I belong to a Yahoo Font group and get zipped files all the time. I did start to go through them awhile back, but haven't finished yet, and I forget to work on it when I am at my computer... too busy reading the forum... LOL
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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Trisha » July 9th, 2011, 8:58 pm

Angel135612 wrote:Thanks for that list Gigi, I would love to have it as a doc, including the other programs you have a list for... I really do need to go through my fonts and get them organized as well.... I know I have a ton of duplicates, since I belong to a Yahoo Font group and get zipped files all the time. I did start to go through them awhile back, but haven't finished yet, and I forget to work on it when I am at my computer... too busy reading the forum... LOL

I would appreciate the list as a doc, too, Gigi. As Angel said, I'd love a list for other programs you have, if you have such a thing. I have a bazillion fonts in a few folders, including some from a subscription I used to belong to. I sure would love to get a handle on this, and save myself some time and stress in the future. Thank you for your generosity in sharing all of this.

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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Gigi » July 9th, 2011, 10:49 pm

Will do ladies - it may take a while with the crop and grandkkids coming soon, but I will get it to you - will post it here.
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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Angel135612 » July 9th, 2011, 10:56 pm

CAGigi wrote:Will do ladies - it may take a while with the crop and grandkkids coming soon, but I will get it to you - will post it here.

Not a problem Gigi, it will probably take me awhile to get around to getting my fonts organized anyway. Until then, I can still use what you have already posted, and get started on it. Thanks!!!!
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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Trisha » July 10th, 2011, 7:14 am

Thanks, GIgi. I don't think I'll be rushing to my computer to do this until after the crop, either. So no hurry. I just appreciate so much that you have the info and are willing to share it.

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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby Gigi » July 10th, 2011, 1:08 pm

Not a problem - I have it almost done - it's just really hard to find "new" information.........

Happy to help!
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Re: Organization Programs for Files

Postby MichelleMyBelle » August 14th, 2011, 5:49 am

thanks for suggesting the Font Program Tyler. I'm going to install and see how I like it. I've had others and just can't seem to find the one I like.

Cracking up over the font and hub posts. :ROFLMBO:
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