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Cannot get a cut to match WYSIWYG

PostPosted: September 2nd, 2019, 4:25 pm
by mapmeister
More several months, I've performed precision cutting. I've been very happy with the results, as I'm cutting along contour lines of printed topographic maps.

But now I cannot get my contour drawings to cut correctly. I'm getting misalignments with all my drawings, old and new.

Indeed, I can't even get a rectangle to to cut properly, as when I line up one side of a finished cut on a grid, none of the other three sides are properly parallel or perpendicular to it. I get the same bad result whether I use "cut" or "print and cut". Very wonky!

I have tried several experiments and all I can figure out is either:

1) Something has gone haywire with the SCAL5 software, or
2) Data is not properly being transferred from the pc to the Silver Bullet Cutter (18" pro series), or
3) Something is wrong with the mechanics of the cutter, and/or
4) The mats have lost their dimensional stability (don't think this is the problem, though)
5) Something is wrong with the firmware of the cutter.

Any ideas?

Re: Cannot get a cut to match WYSIWYG

PostPosted: September 2nd, 2019, 9:31 pm
by Gigi
Have you downloaded the latest SCAL or SCAL Pro software?

Did you double check your calibration numbers to be sure they have not changed. Have you tried to recalibrate and then print and cut. After I downloaded the last software update my cuts were off so I recalibrated and then adjusted my numbers - am now getting perfect cuts. So check your numbers first and adjust if you need to (either recalibrate or manually adjust the numbers).

That doesnt explain the wonky rectangle. Are you sure your mat isn't slipping? Are the pinch wheels clean and holding well. Put the two outer ones down and be sure your mat doesn't move(shift) when you pull on it.

LMK if any of that helps. Focus on one issue at a time and see if you can get the print and cut the way you want it.

Re: Cannot get a cut to match WYSIWYG

PostPosted: September 5th, 2019, 3:20 pm
by mapmeister
It's FIXED! It turns out it was a mechanical problem. One with an EASY fix.

It turns out (per one of your suggestions) two of the pinch wheels were not lined up with the lower grit wheels. I didn't notice it before because the material being used to cut with was hiding the grit wheels. I must have let the rubber wheels "drift" over time as I lifted them up and down when removing and placing my materials. Doh!

Anyway, thanks! I was starting to go bonkers . . .

Re: Cannot get a cut to match WYSIWYG

PostPosted: September 5th, 2019, 5:13 pm
by Gigi
Usually when a cut is off it's mat slippage of some sort - either the pinch wheels need cleaning, material is slipping on the mat (lack of adhesive) or as you discovered, the pinch wheels are not lined up properly. Been there done that!

So glad things are working well for you now. Thanks for letting us know. Happy cutting! :)

Re: Cannot get a cut to match WYSIWYG

PostPosted: September 5th, 2019, 8:32 pm
by MeFlick
Glad you got it fixed and working again. However, I would not say it was a “mechanical issue.” But rather a “user error.” To me, a mechanical issue is a physical fault with some mechanical part of the machine that requires a repair or part replacement. This was not the case here. The problem was a simple user error in not having the punch wheels aligned properly over the grit shaft. This is something that is a common user error, and is something that you should check each time you are clamping the punch wheels down to make sure they are properly aligned on the grit shaft so you do not have slippage as you encountered. Yes, it does happen as you lift them up and down as you clamp and unclamp. You indicate you were using thicker media that “hid” the grit wheels, this would be where those white “markers” above the grit shafts come in handy, they let you see where the grit shafts are for alignment of the pinch wheels even when you may not be able to see the grit shaft it’s self,

Re: Cannot get a cut to match WYSIWYG

PostPosted: September 5th, 2019, 11:31 pm
by Gigi
Thanks Melanie for the clarification - you are absolutely correct!

These are the simple things that are so easy to miss when things go awry but the easiest to fix.

Re: Cannot get a cut to match WYSIWYG

PostPosted: January 10th, 2020, 3:28 am
by Daniel-J
I may be misplacing my question here, but since I'm new here, I don't understand where to send it properly. At the moment I'm choosing a cutter, I need to cut a lot of vinyl. The choice is terribly large, I do not understand what is better, I found these models myself. Which one is better for a beginner?

Re: Cannot get a cut to match WYSIWYG

PostPosted: January 10th, 2020, 11:24 am
by Gigi
Daniel -

This is a Silver Bullet forum for a reason :) You are not going to find anyone here telling you that a Cricut is a better machine than a Silver Bullet.

If you want more information on a different type of machine, you would be better served going to a different forum. Most of us here have owned a Cricut or other machine in the past and have moved on to a more powerful Silver Bullet. It is an investment so it has to make sense to you. But do your research. There is a world of difference between the two machines. I am not going to badmouth another manufacturer, but only will say you are comparing apples to oranges IF you are looking to compare. If you honestly want to know which of the Cricut machines is better per the article, none of us here are experts in ProvoCraft and you would need to do your research with them. If you want more info on the Silver Bullet specifically, keep reading the forum or ask away.

Thank you.