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It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 5:18 pm
by kim
This has been a rough week, heck, it's been a rough several months! Between work and taxes, I am wiped out. My taxes are done YIPPEE (even though I owed this year) and I want to play! I think I will just have to take the phone off the hook, shut off the cell phone and lock myself in the craft room. I haven't done much in there (except for the ATC swap) and so probably will end up organizing, but I am hoping to CREATE!!! Maybe I will just ignore the mess.

I hope everyone else came out good on their taxes and will have spending money for the craft stores! And that you will get a chance to play this weekend!

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 5:21 pm
by Elizabeth
That sounds great, Kim! Have lots of fun! Don't forget to stock some snacks.

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 5:34 pm
by kim
That's easy...on my diet, it's the 90 calorie bars. Fruit is too messy in the craft room!

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 6:56 pm
by Elizabeth

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 6:58 pm
by LisaH
I've been clearing out my art room all day and will be doing the same tomorrow. I did buy 3 bookcases and a table top to try to a different set-up, we shall see ;) ...I have to go through a lot more tomorrow and will purge and clean...then I will try to have everything put in a proper and useful place by the end of the weekend. (hopefully) :banghead: My kitchen and dining table are overrun with STUFF right now... :?

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 8:11 pm
by kim
t's the purging that is the hard part.

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 8:22 pm
by PennyDuncan
Oh but Lisa....don't you think it's FUN reorganizing......I a rather sick puppy that way....I love it!! ;)

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 10:53 pm
by Gigi
I am sick right with you!!! I love reorganizing and do a lot of it. It's a sickness - but I love it!

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 12:06 am
by Suzan
I am sick three, I love organizing, LOL although I am always so disorganized.

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 12:16 am
by Mary Kobe
I am NOT sick! I do not like organizing, or reorganizing!

My bachelor's is in Organizational Management...I did not learn one thing about organizing and paid good money for that degree!!!! :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO:

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 12:27 am
by kate3
Nope, not sick at all. I eventually find what I want just as soon as I don't want it anymore.

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 8:09 am
by kim
I am what I call "disorganized organization" :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: I am so organized that I forget where I reorganized everything! I don't have a problem organizing's the purging that I have the difficulty in. That and finding more space. With all this talk of spring cleaning and organizing, I just may end up doing my craft room. This has got me just antsy to get in there and clean.

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 8:15 am
by LisaH
I guess I'm just semi-sick...I can't stand not to be able to find things when I want them and clutter can drive me crazy, but I'm not OCD about it. I like to clean up from one project before I start another...that's just so I don't get distracted with another idea! I'm always laying something down while working on a project and having to look for it to use it again! LOL

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 8:30 am
by kim
That's me. I do like a neat house and I do like things in their place. On certain places, I do get a little upset if things are out of place FROM SOMEONE office desk being one of them and my craft room is the other. I do go through every so often and sort my spices in alpha order and my clothes into short sleeve, long sleeve, by color, etc. It doesn't stay that way and I am okay with with slobs, you just learn to live with some disorder! :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: BUT, my desk and my craft rooms are MINE. I expect other people, when using anything from these areas, to place things back where they got them from. This is so that I don't spend countless hours looking for them. I spend countless hours enough as it is searching after I have moved something.

You know how every house has it's junk drawer? Well, in my kitchen alone, I have five. I have the "traditional" junk drawer that I put little compartment trays in so that it can be somewhat organized. Well, DH just dumps everything in there. Plus the other four drawers which were never intended to be junk drawers. Not to mention the two drawers in the dining room that hold all his junk. The garage....his four drawers in his night stand.....the chair in the corner of the get the picture? Oh, and his drawer in the bathroom....I just dumped that drawer into several Walmart plastic bags and have it tucked away for him to sort through. I am thinking of getting several large plastic bins and doing the same with all the junk drawers. I clean them out about every three months and get it back down to the one drawer, but it grows back to all the drawers.

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 10:24 am
by PennyDuncan
Oh Kim....I'm that same way in most of the issues.....except I become a green monster when anyone touches my ARTHaven and supplies...ROFL...That's a DO NOT ENTER area!!! LOL My sons 26 & 17(almost 18) LOVE to touch and "look" at all my neat toys....drives me batty and they know it!!! LOL

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 10:56 am
by kate3
Kim! OMGosh, you do have my husband he even has all of the junk drawers including his bedside chest. If I have a clear table he can cover it with junk in record time. I also bag it or box and put it in the garage. He never misses the junk, he just starts over. His personal appearance is a different thing he always looks good and dresses well. He will have up to 3 showers a day so where does the junk come from? He would never dress informally in shorts even at home. I have it worked out now he is bringing the junk he keeps at your house and the stuff at my house to yours. :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO:

No, I still don't feel sick about organising my craft room. You guys may be Spring cleaning but it is Autumn here. :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO:

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 12:13 pm
by Suzan
PennyDuncan wrote:Oh Kim....I'm that same way in most of the issues.....except I become a green monster when anyone touches my ARTHaven and supplies...ROFL...That's a DO NOT ENTER area!!! LOL My sons 26 & 17(almost 18) LOVE to touch and "look" at all my neat toys....drives me batty and they know it!!! LOL

I can take it a step further Penny, My husband has been allowed to touch my cougar 1 time, and that was because I couldn't lift and move it at the time. LOL

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 1:40 pm
by kim
Penny, that is a given. My family doesn't dare cross the threshold of my craft room! :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO:

kate3, DH is the same with his appearance.....he irons everything and is normally well groomed (he sometimes doesn't shave for a couple of days if he is bumming around). But my dining room is (was) full of his junk, table top, chairs, several drawers....I just boxed most of it up. He has his telescope and all its accessories in my kitchen eating area right now. It takes up a lot of space and looks a mess. I don't understand how someone so detailed, neat and anal on some things, be a complete slob at other things. He has a filing system and organizational system....ME!!!

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 2:09 pm
by PennyDuncan
Touching Sable is a death wish!!!! ROFL Ask my boys.......The eyes start glowing with anger!!! ;) When my boys are feeling froggy they'll test me with trying to would think after YEARS of getting their fingers smacked and being grown men they would have learned there lesson....LOL...I'm beginning to think they just like pain!!!! ;)

Re: It's Time to Play!

PostPosted: April 13th, 2012, 3:24 pm
by kim
:ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: I can't recall a single time that DH or DS has gone into my craft room. If they need something, they ask. It's the only thing that they respect my "off limits" on! My purse is open season. :ROFLMBO: :ROFLMBO: DH looks at Tigger like it is going to bite his hand off! He just tells me what he wants. My niece is the only one that goes in there. She just loves digging around everywhere to see what I have that is new.

Now if I could just keep them out of my office! DS is constantly getting into my office supplies. He once needed some dividers for his school notebooks and took several of my expensive ones for work. And some of my expensive binders. I told him that after the school year, I wanted them back. He gave me this strange look, but I got those things back! I have some really expensive mechanical pencils that I LOVE and they are hard to get. I bought a box of 12 about 20 years ago and hid them. DS found them and took one. After the fit I threw, he never touched them again. When the local college bookstore was closing (Barnes and Noble was going to take over) and they had a clearance sale. I bought about 100 mechanical pencils (normally around $6 a piece) for about $1 each, and I give them to DH and DS sparingly. :D They don't take care of things, losing them, breaking them. I take care of mine and have them forever.