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SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: February 27th, 2014, 10:16 pm
by cduchx
My "keep proportions" does seem to be working...any ideas? I have used SCAL 1 & 2 - check the box..and it works...but not with SCAL 3

Also - I would like to fill a shape with a pattern...I watched the video, but I think my request is is my deal :)

I have a heart shape - I want to fill it with chevron... plus keep the border of the heart... the cut all in 1 piece...crazy Idea?

Any suggestions will be appreciated :)

Re: SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: February 27th, 2014, 10:35 pm
by Elizabeth
Hi Cathy,

If you go to the edit menu, then preferences you should be able to change the defaults for proportions. There are a couple of options there:
SCAL Capture 3.PNG

I'm not sure what you are asking re: adding pattern to your heart shape. Does your heart have a fancy border that you don't want filled with pattern? If you just want a heart filled with chevrons, you can change the fill to pattern in the appearance menu, choose the pattern you want in the pop up menu, then use print and cut.

Re: SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: February 27th, 2014, 10:38 pm
by cduchx
Thank you - proportions SOLVED :)
Yes - I'd like to cut 1 heart that is filled with chevron... no printing - all vinyl...I figured out how to add it to my shape - but when I preview it...the chevron doesn't show up in the heart.

Re: SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: February 27th, 2014, 10:50 pm
by Elizabeth
You're welcome.

Do you want something like this for your heart?
chevron heart_ejmh.svg

Re: SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: February 27th, 2014, 11:31 pm
by cduchx
WOW!!! Perfect! How in the heck did you do that? Oooo the possibilities :) Thank you soo much!!!
I must go to bed - YAWN - back tomorrow night :)

Re: SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: February 28th, 2014, 12:06 am
by Gigi
Thanks Elizabeth! Looks great!

Re: SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: February 28th, 2014, 10:01 am
by Elizabeth
Hi Cathy,

That was just a "quickie" to see if I knew what you wanted. I opened the first chevron file that I found in my collection, and put a heart from the library on the mat with it. I resized the heart to fit over the chevrons (make a duplicate for later use) and chose path "front minus back" (or back minus front, whichever works. If you get wrong one, just control+z undo, and choose the other) You should get heart shaped chevrons, but without a border.

Select the second heart and make a shadow layer, choose path "front minus back" as above. This will make a heart outline. Use the centering buttons to layer the two elements, resize one of them so that there is a tiny bit of overlap. Finally, select them both and do path-union to weld them.

Have fun with it! (I do this all the time to make stencil designs.)

Re: SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: February 28th, 2014, 9:58 pm
by cduchx
Thank you Elizabeth!!! I couldn't wait to get done with my "chores" and get to my SCAL :) It is working!!! I have a heart! BUT - I still need to do some tweeking - my chevron is kind of wonky - but once I get it perfect...I'm saving to use for all my shapes! Once I get it perfected, I hope to share it :)
Thank you again - so much!!!
btw - I cut my first vinyl saying (30 in long) last night w/o a mat! It turned out great! (after a few practice runs with contact paper)

Re: SCAL 3 - pattern and proportions...

PostPosted: March 1st, 2014, 9:30 am
by Elizabeth
So glad I could help, Cathy! There are so many ways to use that technique.

Glad you are having success with the vinyl. I haven't tried anything giant yet, but I sure like doing little projects. There is something very satisfying about cutting vinyl. I think it is getting really clean cuts on intricate details that I love. I really should use it more!